The Operation

Last year this time I started my year off with the word vulnerability. It can mean openness or exposure. Every time we step out into the fields of our creativity we experience a form of exposure. Whenever we open up, we render ourselves vulnerable. That can be scary. So many stay locked away and don’tContinue reading “The Operation”

Of Course the World Needs Logic!

So there I was, standing on the edge of a soccer field. Watching my son pretend that he was in a glass box. There wasn’t that much happening on the field at the time. The boy pressed his hands against an imaginary glass box which the looks of things was all around him. Much likeContinue reading “Of Course the World Needs Logic!”

The New

Your creativity is your natural resource. Let’s think ideas. Ideas are unending. You will have new ones throughout your life. As the one fades – a new one miraculously takes its place. That is creativity in action. These mental impressions, suggestions, thoughts, possible courses of action. Your mind rolls them out – naturally… It’s theContinue reading “The New”

The Springbuck and I on the (com)plains of an African queue

So I did it. I decided to get input. Put myself out there. Do a course of sorts. Conquer the fears. Prove to myself that I can do it. Here I am firmly lodged in a Crash Course on Creativity with Stanford University. I am getting my input. Sweating to give output. I am stretched.Continue reading “The Springbuck and I on the (com)plains of an African queue”

My Crash Course in Creativity

I did it. Along with thousands of others globally I joined up to do Stanford’s Crash Course in Creativity. My first project was a book cover with title and sub title and a basic bio. I got Vovo Telo to make me a heart shaped loaf of bread and photographed it on site for myContinue reading “My Crash Course in Creativity”

What’s on my Creative Mind II

There’s a coffee cupped in my hands right now. I am pensively sitting in a line of sunshine. So here we are. It’s 2013. Who would have thought? A changing world. Dynamic. Fast paced. Constant activity and motion. It seems small in its hugeness. This globe that spins This human, physical life that spins andContinue reading “What’s on my Creative Mind II”

What’s on my Creative Mind?

I live in a city where many of the creatives (and by that I mean people who choose to make creativity their career) leave. Of course, our little place in the sun is choc-a-block full of creative minds but… We have few places where creativity spills out, grabs you, drags you in. When I walkContinue reading “What’s on my Creative Mind?”

The Space You’re In

It’s a fact. Every space we walk into envelopes us. Remember the Sub A classroom and the smell of chalk? A hospital ward. The drab office with files a little dusty. Your grannies home. Early morning in the garden. The spaces we enter into give us a feeling. Good, sad, uplifting, depressing, creative… As humansContinue reading “The Space You’re In”

I Should, I Should, I Should

I am driving alone and “the shoulds” seep into my self talk. Mmmmmm… I should exercise more. I should eat healthier. I should get more insurance. I should spend more time with God. I should love more. I should sort out the garage. I should do that proposal. I should phone my Uncle. I shouldContinue reading “I Should, I Should, I Should”

The Story of a Tongue

There is a man. He is a renowned chef. He started a restaurant in Chigago called Alinea. As restaurants go, Alinea is placed around 6th in the world. And the man? His name is Grant Achatz. Now Grant’s restaurant is intensely specific. An integral part of his offering is his tasting menu. This is whereContinue reading “The Story of a Tongue”